A pastoral Post-apocalyptic audio drama.
Thirteen years after the fall of modern civilization, five survivors live in relative harmony on an isolated farm, where they rarely discuss their lives Before.
The delicate balance of this household is upturned when a sixth survivor arrives at their doorstep with an empty stomach and a world of possibilities.
The group grapples with the implications of the new arrival – the resurrection of long-lost hopes and the introduction of very real dangers – ultimately embarking on a journey that will force them to confront the lives they lived Before and the question of what it means to live a good life in a post-apocalyptic world.
Content Warnings: Still Lives includes mild language, the presence of a gun, and some adult themes including trauma, illness, war, and death.

Produced by Studio Knox
Sponsored by Tapeable
Written and Directed by Colton Flick, James Currie, Ríoghnach Robinson, and Sarah Schnebly
Editing and Sound Design by Colton Flick and James Currie
Music by Ríoghnach Robinson
Cover Design by Sarah Schnebly and Colton Flick
The Archivist - Devon T. Leaver
The Soldier - Arnold Coleman
The Scientist - Allison McGrath
The Traveler - Bayliun
The Kid - Hailey Kenning
The Cook - Sarah Golding
Javier - Sam Hopper
Atta - Judy Long
We are an audio drama podcast production company that strives to create high-quality audio fiction that is easily accessible and available to everyone. Our team is made up of four erstwhile Kenyon students – Colton Flick, Jamie Currie, Ríoghnach Robinson, and Sarah Schnebly. Colton and Jamie previously worked together on The Magical History of Knox County and you may know Ríoghnach by her YA author pseudonym Riley Redgate.
You can get in touch with us at StillLivesPodcast@Gmail.com.